Monday, December 6, 2010

Perserverance Shmerserverance

Sometimes quitting is the best thing to do.
My husband and I quit smoking over 2 years ago and we couldn't be happier.
I recently quit school, again... and I think it was the best decision.
I'm constantly setting goals for myself that result in nothing but pressure, stress, confusion, and ultimately madness for me and everyone around me. And WHY?
(I'll have to get back to you on that one. I also decided to quit obsessing on things that can't possibly improve my life.)
So, today I'm celebrating the right to QUIT! It is highly liberating.
My friend and I went to an art show yesterday where I saw some decorative "To Do" lists. They had phrases like, "Kiss like you mean it", "Drink Great Wine", and "See the World...from a bike!"

In light of my recent decision to embrace freedom,
I would like to present my "To Quit" List.
Here goes...

To Quit:

Self Bashing
Seeking Approval
Putting Off My Music
Avoiding Fun & Messy Art Projects
Being Irritated By My Children
Refusing to Take Walks
Expecting Perfection from My Husband
Letting Good Books Collect Dust
Hating How I Look
Letting the Enemy Tell Me How Dumb I Am
Trying So Hard
Letting Days Go By Without Laughter

Oh, and I'm also going to quit eating junk (Vegan Diet in 7 days and counting.)

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